I have been meaning to post a demo of this technique for a while now. I haven't come across other demo's using this technique, not to say it's not out there but here it is. I hope someone finds it useful.
What's going on with the Demo?
Use a single layout to display a report that shows Contact data in many different ways. We are all familiar with sub-summary layout parts displaying in browse mode (YAY), but the twist here is that we don't have a BODY LAYOUT PART on the report. YET this report can show or hide detailed data that would typically be shown in the body part of a report layout. The simple trick is to change the BODY layout part to a sub-summary based on the ROW ID. When we want to SHOW the body, we sort by the primary key and viola you have a PEEK-A-BOO BODY layout part. Create a couple or more filters to change the way the report is viewed and create as many sub-summary parts to match sorts. Adjust the layout so it looks good when sorted various ways, it is a bit compromised but pretty neat.
What are the moving parts in this demo?
1 - Table (Contacts)
1 - Layout with 4 Sub-summary layout parts (Sales, State, City, ID).
2 - Global fields for solution users to set the REPORT STYLE and the REPORT FILTER, with script triggers attached to run ON OBJECT MODIFY
1 - Script "Apply Report Style, Filter and Display the Report" triggered from the above global fields
And a little bit of conditional formatting to make it all look nice.
Why is this cool?
Because you can have 1 layout that does a ton. This means a single layout to maintain over time. Somewhat scalable, you can always add more sub-summary layout parts to display/group your found set of records based on different types of fields, or even calculated fields.
How to use the report.
This demo file defaults to all the records in this sample database. Toggle the Report Type from "Summary" or "Detail" AND then try the Filter options, in combination with toggling the Report Type back and forth from Summary and Detail. This should give you an idea of how the report works. Crack open the layout and see how that works.